Homberg, 2302 , 6601 ZA, Wijchen, The Netherlands
Mussenbergseweg, 9 , 6604 BS, Wijchen, The Netherlands
Hof van Hagevoort, 93 , 6601 JC, Wijchen, The Netherlands
Homberg, 3411 , 6601 XD, Wijchen, The Netherlands
Diemewei, 4207 , 6605 XD, Wijchen, The Netherlands
Zevendreef, 3107 , 6605 VE, Wijchen, The Netherlands
Markt Promenade, 26 , 6602 HR, Wijchen, The Netherlands
Meester van Coothlaan, 25 , 6602 GS, Wijchen, The Netherlands
www.haptotherapiewijchen.nl, http://www.entermotion.nl