Wallisweg, 16 , 3027 GW, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
's-Gravendijkwal, 154A, 3015 CD, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Lindesingel, 132 , 3053 JN, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Polslandstraat, 13 , 3081 TK, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Willem Buytewechstraat, 126A, 3024 VD, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Joost Banckertsplaats, 165 , 3012 HJ, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Wildeveenstraat, 32A, 3061 GZ, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Stationssingel, 67b, 3033 HD, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Elzendaal, 15 , 3075 LS, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Zomerhofstraat, 76 , 3032 CM, Rotterdam, The Netherlands